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Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2008

6:00 PM Holden Municipal Light Department

Present: Christopher Lucchesi, David White, Rick Bates, Hal Lane, Karl Makela, Bob Beck, Brian Forts, Chief Chandler

Others Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager

Draft Minutes Preparer: Heidi McAlice

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order.

Approval of previous meeting minutes:

Public Comment:

Comments from the Chair:
Chairman Lucchesi congratulated the committee on the successful passage of our proposal.

General Discussion:
A. Town Manager Brian Bullock

i. Spoke to thank and congratulate the committee on the sucessful passage of the project Debt Exclusion ballot.
ii. Spoke to five areas of immediate concern

1. Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc.
a. By consensus the committee chose to move forward with Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. Mr. Bullock will begin the process of negotiating and executing an amendment to the existing contract.

2. Project Management
a. The development of an RFP for Project Management services has begun.

3. Property Acquisition
a. Initial discussions have taken place and another meeting is to be scheduled.

4. Legal
a. Legal services for the project are being finalized.

5. Financing
a. A number of financing alternatives are being reviewed.

B. Consideration of next steps.

i. Discussion regarding committee involvement in the Design process. It was suggested the committee could if we should split into a few small workgroups or continue as a whole as we move through the design process.

ii. Discussion regarding project management strategy.

Public Comment:

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.